Thank you for this. The amount of misinformation and biased reporting, often better described as slander and fear mongering, is truly frustrating.

I also try to give context and correct misinformation if possible, but it is an uphill battle.

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Thx Walter!

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We have it worse in Australia. Our Government scientific body (CSIRO) produces an annual report (Gencost) where it estimates the costs (LCOE) of different forms of electricity generation. It is quoted by renewable advocates as if it was the bible. However when you look at its assumptions, it assumes a plant life of a nuclear power station of only 30 years when the average ge of operating U.S. reactors is now 42 years. They assume a capacity factor of 50% when 90% would be more realistic. This makes a huge difference to the LCOE.

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It is obvious to every thinking and knowledgeable person that it is the wind power industry which lies behind the misinformation about nuclear energy.

It is deliberate, cynical misinformation. Its purpose is to fool the general public and the politicians alike into believing that the extremely land consuming and unreliable wind power plants are the answer to the energy challenge.

The most serious misinformation from the wind power industry is the false claim that a wind power plant only uses about 3% of its area. They measure the footprint of the turbines and the infrastructure, and pretend that an area which has been thoroughly fragmented by an extensive infrastructure is still intact. That is so far from the reality as to border on the surreal. The truth is that a fragmented area is no longer intact, and the whole area has become industrialized.

It is crucially important that this becomes known, and the wind industry's false statement has to be exposed for what it is.

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